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Welcome to SPRING

About us

SPRING is a new project, launched by the Gaslini Institute and Gaslini ONLUS, focusing on good communication and education for families about children’s health.

Indeed, correct information is the first step towards children’s well-being, which is something that must be worked on day by day, without fears and with care and mindfulness.
Families should turn to their paediatrician first, but the internet can be a fantastic well of information, which of course is readily available and just a click away.
However, sometimes it’s not easy to determine whether a website is reliable or not, and when it comes to our children’s health we cannot take any risks!

The Gaslini Institute, as a leading centre for paediatric care in Italy, has decided to share its staff’s knowledge to parents and all those who care about children’s health, providing reliable and scientifically accurate information.
On this website a number of free courses devoted to the main topics relating to children’s well-being (accident prevention, healthy eating, first aid etc) will be made available.
The first course to go online is the one on antenatal care. It has been made by filming the antenatal classes offered by the hospital, which are now available for all parents.

SPRING is not only about EDUCATION

This website is also a welcome point for those who need to visit the hospital; a Welcome Kit providing practical information on the hospital services and activities is available for download.
In the EXCELLENCE section, for example, you can find all news about the most recent clinical progress and research. Here the different wards and professional figures of the hospital will be introduced, you will see the people and places that can be considered the beating heart of the different projects of scientific and care excellence that make Gaslini a leading health centre in Italy.

With SPRING we want Italian families to be able to take advantage of the hospital staff’s skills through a dialogue that is meant to meet the parents’ practical needs.
An online paediatrician service will be available, in order to collect parents’ doubts and frequently asked questions and provide the best solution, and so is a section called ‘What happens when…’ where information on procedures, conditions and treatments is provided.

Do explore the website and contact to let us know your opinion or suggestions: we need you in order to make SPRING a real link between families and the hospital.